Youth Ministry
St. Stephen’s Youth Ministry is available to all teens from grades 6 to 12. We meet every Sunday from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM, with hang-out time until 6 PM. and we provide snacks, occasional meals, and games: everything from Spikeball to hockey to board games. We are passionate about studying God’s Word, and we are always ready to have fun. Since it’s essential for all believers to know the Bible and how to respond to specific challenges to the beliefs and practices of the Christian faith, our teaching series consists of both topical lessons and books of the Bible.
We look at challenges in our current culture, seeking to equip the next generation of Christians to live in the world with their sole confidence in the gospel. We aim to cultivate a friendly environment where all youth can attend. Throughout the year, we have special outreach events for the kids; past events include Glow Hockey and Slip’N Slide Kickball.

Stephen Reformed Church’s Youth Ministry has a twofold mission:
- Equip and disciple youth with a practical understanding of the unchanging Word of God in an ever-changing culture
- Reach the youth of our surrounding community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We study the Bible in weekly lessons accompanied by discussions.
Our Youth Ministry has 6 Foundations supporting its vision and guiding its practice
We believe our youth ministry should provide clear and biblical teaching, gospel proclamation, practice discipleship, integrated ministry, a friendly and welcoming culture, and parental priority.
Clear, Biblical Teaching
We are committed to the Bible, God’s inerrant and inspired Word. We are also committed to the doctrine contained within the Westminster Standards as a faithful expression of the teaching of Scripture. Therefore, we seek to connect the Bible to the world in which youth live, examining the intersection of faith and life.
Gospel Proclamation
Youth ministry is about pointing our youth to faith in the Triune God, who, by the plan of the Father, accomplishes redemption by the Son and applies this redemption through the Holy Spirit. It is by this redemption that we are reconciled to God. He transforms our lives, and we live in obedience to him. The Bible is read through the lens of the gospel.
Practice Discipleship
Youth ministry involves training young believers from belief to maturity. We seek to sharpen one another through our time together, embodying godly attributes as we train one another in godliness and doctrine.
Integrated Ministry
We value every generation of the church, and the youth are no different. Youth ministry is a part of St. Stephen’s, not a separate entity from it. We aim to see our youth know Christ as Lord and Savior. Part of Christ’s call to believers is to become a part of his church. Youth ministry is a tool to train future generations of the church.
Friendly Culture
Christians are called to love in two ways: horizontally and vertically. Vertically, we are called to love God, as the first four commandments demand. Horizontally, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, fulfilling the last six commandments. It is important to us to be welcoming to teens and create a culture of inclusivity for all who might seek the Lord.
Parental Priority
The church is given the task of making disciples. The family’s primary (but not sole) responsibility of disciple-making belongs to the parents. Therefore, we assist in this disciple-making role and seek to come alongside families to strengthen this process.