Children’s Ministry
St. Stephen Reformed Church, Children’s Ministry exists to draw children closer to the Living God. We strive through persistent prayer and reliance on His power, to help children establish a firm knowledge of the entire Word of God.
We make every effort to communicate the Gospel in word and deed to children in our church and in our community.

Youth Group
St. Stephen’s Youth Ministry is available to all teens from grades 6 to 12. We meet every Sunday from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM, and we provide snacks, occasional meal and games: everything from Spikeball to hockey to board games. We are passionate about studying God’s Word and we are always ready to have fun.
Women’s Ministry
St. Stephen’s Women’s Ministry offers women in the community opportunities for Bible Study, fellowship and special events throughout the year.

Life Groups
St. Stephen’s Life Groups are open to all. Life Groups are the intentional and regular gathering of people for the purpose of discipleship, to bring God glory as his image-bearers train to grow in holiness, to care for one another and to participate in God’s mission. This ministry offers fellowship as we form friendships around discussing God’s Word and praying with and for one another.