Thank you for visiting our website. We’d love to meet you!
First Sunday of the Month:
8:30 AM Combined Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion
Fellowship Lunch Follwing Service
Remaining Sundays of the Month:
8:15 AM Worship Service
9:30 AM Sunday School Classes For All Ages (Nursery Provided)
10:30 AM Worship (Nursery Provided)

When you visit for the first time, stop by the Welcome Center with any initial questions that you have. Our friendly greeters are also there to give you a warm welcome.
Sunday Morning Services seek to capture the balance between the solemnity of being in the presence of Almighty God with the joyfulness that we have in knowing Him through faith in Jesus Christ. Our worship style would be considered “traditional” with a Christ-centered liturgy focusing on the great hymns of Christianity.
Sunday School Classes provide biblical teaching, gospel proclamation, and classes for all ages. On the first Sunday of the Month, we invite all ages to come to one combined Sunday School class at 8:30 AM. The remaining Sundays, during the 9:30 AM Sunday School, we have nursery for infants and toddlers, Children, Youth and Adult Sunday School classes.
All Children Welcomed In Worship We welcome and encourage parents to bring their children into the worship service. Occasional noises are part of their learning and growing as covenant members of the body of Christ. We recognize at times you may need to step out. For your convenience, you are welcome to use Zwingli Hall (across from Sanctuary) where we provide a live-feed of the service and small play pen for children. Additionally, during the 10:30 AM service, a staffed nursery is available for children ages 0-3.