Men’s Ministry
We exist to grow closer together
as we grow closer to Christ.
Our goal is to build up men in the truth of God’s Word so that they will become servant-leaders in their homes, at the church, and to grow a Christ-like bonding between our men!
Toward that end, we focus on creating opportunities for camaraderie, encouragement, and service.

Men’s Bible Discussion Groups
We invite you to join the men of St. Stephen Reformed Church, as we strive to grow closer to God and each other by studying Gods Word.
On the First and Third Tuesday of Each Month
7:00 PM
Facilitator: Alan Dinning
We meet in Lower Bachman
Men’s Morning Bible Study
In-Person in Lower Bachman
(Use East Door-Accessible)
Meets 7 AM every other Tuesday
See online church calendar for next meeting
We invite you to join us for fellowship, coffee, donuts and an
in-depth discussion of the Book of Exodus.

Men’s Breakfast at Yoder’s
7:30 AM on the first Saturday of each month
We share breakfast time with each other on the first Saturday of each month. Current format is a discussion time on a variety of Christian topics. We have a brief presentation and then questions around the table. Praise God we have an unshakeable Hope in Christ. Please join us.
Questions: Please contact the church office